All Presentations should include the following steps
Step 1: Start with a question. (duration three weeks – February 27 to March 18) Medina Academy will be tackling the same question but we will be approaching the question from many fields of science. The question is, “How can we have a clean ocean by June 9th 2030?”
Step 2: Do Background research (Duration three weeks – February 27 until March 18) This will be in conjunction with step 1. We will continue to research the problem while imagining solutions.
Step 3: Construct a hypothesis – (Duration 3 days) All students & Parents must turn in their hypothesis to their classroom teacher between March 19-21.
Step 4: Test your Hypothesis by doing an experiment. Without actually doing the experiment, students and parents will describe the type of experiment they would do, the kind of data they would collect, and the kind of funds they would need (since the funds are conceptual at this point, be generous but practical). (from March 22-April 5th)
Step 5: Analyze your data and draw a conclusion. Based on step 4, students and parents will show the categories of data, based on step 4 and show the kind of data they would expect to receive according to their hypothesis. (from March 22-April 5th)
Step 6: Communicate your Results. Students and parents will begin working on their trifold poster boards or PowerPoint presentations (or similar) and explain how they could get “A Clean Ocean” on April 6th. On April 6th, our scientists and inventors (our students) will explain what they have invented to obtain the desired result of “a clean ocean.” Teachers will have the opportunity to hear and see the results of their students for the first time and they will choose the top three projects from each classroom.
Step 1: Start with a question. (duration three weeks – February 27 to March 18) Medina Academy will be tackling the same question but we will be approaching the question from many fields of science. The question is, “How can we have a clean ocean by June 9th 2030?”
Step 2: Do Background research (Duration three weeks – February 27 until March 18) This will be in conjunction with step 1. We will continue to research the problem while imagining solutions.
Step 3: Construct a hypothesis – (Duration 3 days) All students & Parents must turn in their hypothesis to their classroom teacher between March 19-21.
Step 4: Test your Hypothesis by doing an experiment. Without actually doing the experiment, students and parents will describe the type of experiment they would do, the kind of data they would collect, and the kind of funds they would need (since the funds are conceptual at this point, be generous but practical). (from March 22-April 5th)
Step 5: Analyze your data and draw a conclusion. Based on step 4, students and parents will show the categories of data, based on step 4 and show the kind of data they would expect to receive according to their hypothesis. (from March 22-April 5th)
Step 6: Communicate your Results. Students and parents will begin working on their trifold poster boards or PowerPoint presentations (or similar) and explain how they could get “A Clean Ocean” on April 6th. On April 6th, our scientists and inventors (our students) will explain what they have invented to obtain the desired result of “a clean ocean.” Teachers will have the opportunity to hear and see the results of their students for the first time and they will choose the top three projects from each classroom.